Supporting your transformation

Flexibility is paramount in navigating current challenges and preparing for future business needs. We offer versatile IT investment options and adaptable consumption models, drawing upon our global expertise and proven track record of aligning financial and technological objectives.

Our solutions provide scalability to align your IT strategy with business requirements, flexible investment solutions enabling payment management according to your business cycle, agility and speed to accommodate evolving needs, structured approaches to retiring and upgrading technology infrastructure with options for securing capital infusion, comprehensive asset recovery services ensuring sustainability, security, and compliance, consistent global support with tailored agreements across different countries, and access to a diverse range of pre-owned solutions, ensuring the right technology selection throughout the entire IT lifecycle.

Financing IT assets offers businesses strategic advantages, including acquiring essential equipment without upfront capital expenditure, enhancing cash flow management, preserving working capital, adapting to changing technology trends, and easing asset management burdens with maintenance and support services. In a technology-driven era, financing IT assets is imperative for sustaining growth, enhancing productivity, and maintaining competitiveness.

How would you benefit from finance?

  1. Preservation of Working Capital: By financing IT hardware, businesses can preserve their working capital for other operational needs or investment opportunities. This helps maintain liquidity and financial flexibility.

  2. Tax Deductions: Depending on the financing arrangement and Australian tax laws, businesses may be eligible for tax deductions on the interest paid for financing IT hardware. This can result in potential tax savings, reducing the overall cost of acquiring the equipment.

  3. Predictable Budgeting: Financing typically involves fixed monthly payments, making budgeting more predictable and easier to manage. This can be particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses with limited cash flow or seasonal revenue fluctuations.

  4. Access to Latest Technology: Financing allows businesses to acquire the latest IT hardware without the need for a large upfront investment. This ensures that businesses can stay competitive by utilising cutting-edge technology to improve efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness.

  5. Flexible Financing Options: Australian businesses have access to a variety of financing options tailored to their specific needs and financial circumstances. Whether it’s leasing, hire purchase, or equipment finance, businesses can choose the option that best suits their requirements in terms of repayment schedules, interest rates, and contract terms.

  6. Asset Management and Disposal: Financing often includes services such as asset management and disposal, where the financing provider takes care of maintenance, upgrades, and disposal of the IT hardware at the end of the financing term. This relieves businesses of the burden of managing their IT assets and ensures proper disposal according to environmental regulations.

  7. Ownership or Upgrade Options: Depending on the financing arrangement, businesses may have the option to purchase the IT hardware at the end of the term or upgrade to newer equipment. This provides flexibility and ensures that businesses can adapt to changing technology needs without incurring significant additional costs.

  8. Improved Cash Flow Management: Financing allows businesses to spread the cost of IT hardware over time, preserving cash flow and avoiding large upfront expenses. This can help businesses better manage their cash flow and allocate resources more effectively to other areas of the business.

Please contact us if you want further details!